Bllog 111w ad sd

Bllog 111w ad sd

As per the new federal structure, lorem lorem lorem lorem lorem now has one village development committee (vdc). Earlier, the whole of Dandapari area had 11 vdcs. Dandapari area is now accessible by roads which were beyond imagination in the past. People have to walk for whole day and in some case even two days to reach district headquarter.

Though Dandapari area is very remote, it has potential for development. The area has high hills from three hundred meters to three thousand meters from the sea level and it has diverse climate which is suitable for agriculture.

“Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer”

Falametar, has potential and possibilities of coffee tourism and tea. Salmechakal, the center of Dandapari can be used for hydropower as it has Khankhola River which flows in very high speed all the year round. Construction of hydropower from Khanikhola River can electrify whole Dandapari area and fishery can be done in the dam. Similarly, Saldhara Milche has potentials for coffee and sugarcane. Fruits like Mangoes and Licchi can be grown in Mahankal.